Have you guys heard the good news? “Reading Rainbow” is coming back! LeVar Burton launched a Kickstarter fundraiser to relaunch the cancelled show that changed millions of lives from 1983 to 2006. I don’t know about y’all, but “Reading Rainbow” set the precedent for my love of literature early on. As Burton said, every child has a right, and a need, to be literate. The show made me want to get lost in a book and explore the depths of my imagination. And frankly, I feel like we NEED a show like that on television. One in four kids in the U.S. will grow up illiterate, according to the “Reading Rainbow” Kickstarter page. That’s a scary, scary thought. We’re in the depths of a digital era where the value of literature dims in the light of television, video games and nonsensical apps. It breaks my heart to hear a kid say that they don’t like to read. Hopefully, the new “Reading Rainbow” will include some of these oldies but goodies – books that launched a generation of lifelong bibliophiles.
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