The Truth Uncovered?! Rob Kardashian Left Kim Kardashian's ...

rob kardashian left kim kardashians parisian wedding cause she accused him of selling stories

Talk about some serious accusations! If they weren't true, we'd have left too!

Rumors have been swirling like crazy since the world found out that Rob Kardashian peaced out of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West 's Florence wedding a day early, but it seems the real reason he left has FINALLY surfaced!

We reported that there were some intense family dramz that left Rob in tears prior to going AND that he had also left because he didn't want to be in family pictures, but apparently it's WAY worse than that!

Supposedly, Kim accused Rob of selling negative stories about her to the press and THEN she made jabs about his weight!

Uh, rude!

Sources reported:

"Kim and Rob haven’t been speaking to each other for months…she thinks he is lazy, and bringing down the family name because of his physical appearance. After arriving in Paris, Rob and Kim got into a very heated argument because she thought he was just moping around the hotel. She encouraged him to go out and sight see, which he declined to do.

This made her extremely angry, and they exchanged words. During the course of the argument, Rob was accused by Kim of leaking negative stories about her to the press. That was the final straw for Rob, because that is something he would never do.

So, he packed his bags, and left Paris before the wedding. He wanted nothing to do with it, and thought it was ridiculous that Kim’s third marriage was so over the top."

Yikes! We can't believe it! We don't think Rob would EVER do that to his sister!

If it's one thing we know about the Kardashians, it's that family comes first for them!

So even IF Rob was a tiny bit mad at Kim, we don't think he would go so far as to sell NEGATIVE stories about her!

But we guess we'll just have to wait and see if the camera's caught all the pre-wedding dramz!

[Image via WENN .]

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