A Superstar's Assistant | BLIND GOSSIP

dressing room door [Blind Gossip] This superstar film actor hired an assistant a while back. The assistant was young, male, and openly gay.

There are several reasons why this was an interesting choice. The most notable is the fact that the actor has had to constantly fight rumors throughout his career that he is gay.

The assistant found it awkward to work with the actor, too. Why? Because the actor was absolutely fascinated with the assistant’s gay lifestyle! It was impossible for them to have a conversation without the actor quizzing the assistant about it: What exactly do you do? What’s it like? How does it work? How does it feel?

The assistant didn’t know if the actor was straight or in the closet, nosy or just curious. He just knew that it was awkward. He didn’t stay with the actor for long. When he finally gave notice, the actor hugged him and cried. Kind of sweet… but kind of odd, too.

