Burglar Logs Into Facebook While Robbing House, Did Not Log Out ...

Clearly it’s a horrible idea to break into and rob someone’s house, but it’s an even worse idea to log onto Facebook from a computer inside the house you’re breaking into.

Now you would think that would be the dumbest thing a thief could do, but no. The dumbest thing they could do is forget to log out of their Facebook page so when the owner of the house returns, they see the thief’s Facebook open on their computer and know exactly who just broke into their house.

Nicholas Wig of Minnesota made a terrible choice the day he decided to break into the house of James Wood but it was that terrible choice that led to his arrest.

When Wood returned home the day the burglary happened he noticed Wig had used the computer to check Facebook and never logged out; so after posting on Facebook about Wig robbing his house and including his number on the post, Wig actually contacted Wood and Wig was convinced to meet up to exchange an old cell phone stolen from the house for some clothing he had left behind.

Obviously being the not-so-smart guy Wig is, he hadn’t realized that instead of actually exchanging the clothes for the phone, he would actually be getting arrested.

