Demi Lovato Opens Up About Her Body Image Issues « Pop News ...

With Demi Lovato being one of the biggest influences for teen girls these days, it’s absolutely wonderful that she promotes body positivity, but it hasn’t always been that way.

As a celebrity, Lovato always felt she was being criticized about her body so at a young age her mentality about herself and her body was not at all positive and it drove her to do things that affected her health.

Luckily however, she has since recovered and has even spoken out on numerous occasions about how everyone should love the body they’re in because you don’t have to be stick thin to be beautiful.

On monday, Lovato posted a photo on Instagram which had shots from four past VMA’s, including one during which she was struggling with her weight.

Lovato opens up in an interview with Access Hollywood about the photo and says,

“I looked at the very first time that I ever went to the VMAS and I just looked so bony and fragile and unhappy. And yes, I was at the VMAS and I was 16 and I was having an incredible time, but at the same time I was miserable. And I look back at that and I think you know what…I may have been thinner then, but I am so happy that I am healthy today and I have curves which are a lot sexier then what I was aiming for…Now, I think curves are beautiful and I feel great.”

It’s absolutely amazing to see how she has turned her struggle into something positive and is using the experience to be a great role model for young girls.

To check out part of the interview Lovato did with Access Hollywood click here.
