Bruce Jenner's Red Nails, Brian Kelly Talks To WR About Porn Star ...


Here we go — one night for baseball, Joe Buck, Harold Reynolds, Erin Andrews, Fox Sports, baseball nerds on Twitter, etc. to shine. This is it for you until March so make it count. You have a shot to hold the nation captive with 9 innings of high drama. Sure, ESPN is showing the NBA against your Game 7. You should smoke them in the ratings. This should be an incredible show of force from America’s pastime.

Brian Kelly had talk w/WR about dating Lisa Ann

Bruce Jenner’s nails painted red for birthday!

Tennessee Titans cheerleader Halloween costumes

Brazilian futboler bitten while remove dog from field

Lease Coco Crisp’s house for $8,500 a month

Oklahoma woman who was banging her dog, husband filmed it

Taylor Swift leg show for Letterman

Trust Me: Shawn Dillon!

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