Implement Ebola Travel Ban Now - The Dirty


THE DIRTY ARMY: Nik, I feel like it’s my duty to try and spread the word that the US needs to immediately enforce a travel ban on Ebola stricken nations. The US Government’s first order is to take care of the safety American Citizens. Not to put all our lives at risk to ensure the economies of African countries don’t suffer. Our job as a nation IS NOT, contrary to popular belief, to be the world police, world healthcare provider, world aid provider….all on the backs of US Citizens. 70% of patients that contract Ebola in Africa die. The disease is so easily spread that two professionals in an American hospital contracted the virus from a SINGLE African carrier of the disease. A travel ban would have stopped this outbreak. The government is trying to stop a panic, because there is a real reason to panic. They know if the American people learn the truth, there will be hysteria. The American people deserve to know the truth so they can have a hand is stopping this pandemic. Write your senators, congressmen, president, mayor…..whoever you can. If you don’t and your friends, family, kids get sick, being bleeding from every orifice and die, it is YOUR fault for not taking action. Nik, tell the people what they need to hear.

I’m still waiting for America to focus on America. Obama please, I will pay you under the table like Jay Z…just focus on US.- nik
