Glamour's 2014 Women of the Year Soiree Draws Big Names ...

It’s always fun to see our favorite females gather to honor each other and last night (November 10) the Glamour 2014 Women of the Year event was filled with love and encouragement.

Glamour Editor-in-Chief Cindi Leive told press, “One of the privileges of my job is the front-row seat it gives me to watch some of the most amazing women in the world in action.”

“Glamour’s annual tribute to female ‘doers and darers’ honors those trailblazers: ten winners who have made history in 2014.”

And among the honorees were Lupita Nyong'o (The Breakthrough), Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen (The Visionary), Chelsea Clinton (The Women’s Champion), Laverne Cox (The Advocate), Mindy Kaling (The Lady Boss), Samantha Power (The Ambassador), Robin Roberts (The Survivor), Natalia Vodianova (The Voice for Children) and Sylvia Earle (The Explorer; Lifetime Achievement Winner).
